The Evaporust works really well but you're not done after that.
You need to blacken the rust using a phosphate metal conditioner.
I bought mine at ACE hardware. It was called Crud Cutter. Ospho works well too. As long as it contains phosphate, they'll all do well.
What you do is dilute it per instructions, and apply it with a paint brush cut short so the bristles are stiff. Work it vigorously into the pitted areas. Let it dry for 20-30 minutes. Then use a spray bottle and soak well with water. Wipe that off and let it dry.
Repeat the process!
A white film may show after drying. Use a 3M scotchbrite pad and scuff off this residue.
Now you're ready to Epoxy prime. Try to do that within 24 hours after prepping the metal.