This isn't a kill story but I thought it was pretty funny none the less. I was sitting at a light in town when an older neon with 4 kids in it start revving their engine in front of me. The light was red and I could see them all turned around looking at me as the driver kept revving that fart muffler as loud as he could. I figured I'd play along and give them a little more than they expected and let the tires fly at the red light and just sat still behind them. All you could hear was rubber screaming and the engine roaring and it never moved an inch. The looks on their faces was priceless. Needless to say he wasn't so proud of that muffler too much any more. The cool thing about this though was after I stopped they all stuck their heads out the window and gave a big thumbs up. Not what I expect out of teenagers these days but was pretty cool. My guess was they probably had a better head on their shoulders than most teens as at least they were driving a Dodge lol.