There are a number of tricks with any engine build , they all have quirks to look out for some apply to any engine other are specific .
You need the check over the block carefully Before you assemble anything to be sure all internal plugs are in place .
Don't get rushed , look for every detail , work through every step , going back to change anything will take more time than doing it right the first time .
Brg chamfers have to be right or the crank or rods will be tight , the crank should turn easily , make sure the rods are in the right way , the oil hole faces the cam & provides oiling to the cam . I usually order file fit rings so the gaps are dead on , rings have to be installed correctly with the right side on top , everything has to be torqued correctly , some bolts are held with locktite , others have to be sealed for water or oil . Rear main seal has to face the correct way or you will have a major oil leak . Make SURE you degree the cam , lining up the dots "should " work but I have seen cams where the cam was off by as much as 10* with the dots lined up as the keyway or alignment pin was off . Always measure the piston height to deck so you know exactly what your quench & head clearance is , also measure piston to valve clearance do not take it for granted .
Take notes as you build so you know exactly what you have .