I always thought of Chargers as big cars.
Hadn't seen one up close in awhile.
I know they were mid-sized cars.
Way bigger than todays small cars, and sometimes mid-sized cars.
but my '72 Challenger dwarfs them? My '73 Charger makes them look small. Seriously.
Just boggles my mind. Thought that they would be bigger. Yeah the '73 was bloated.
Still, just messes with me. Crazy how time messes with you.
I know the "c" series was longer than my suburban, and only a 2 door, but I really thought the Charger would be bigger than it was.
(good LORD, I LOVE"S me a '69 Chrysler "69 vert c-body)
Crazy? who else has recollections that coincides with their reality? I don't get to see these cars on a regular basis.
Just curious? Silly question, I know. But it boggles my mind how small the 68 -69 Charger really was.
Compared to what I remembered. My '73 was HUGE.
My '67 Coronet seems much larger. Maybe it's just me?
Am I just an old fart? Wishful thinking? Curious.