Author Topic: 5.7 hemi block discussion  (Read 1196 times)

Offline 73restomod

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5.7 hemi block discussion
« on: July 14, 2016 - 03:39:49 AM »
So I have acquired 3 so far each with over 120000 miles, and not a one thus far had a ridge, or even enough bore wear to justify anything other than a re-hone, hell they still had hone marks top to bottom visible even on the thrust side! I have sonic checked them and found most of them to have quite thick cylinder walls on the thrust side, but they are thinner on the sides walls. I have heard of them being taken to a 4" bore but the side walls will be around .170-.150 with the top and bottom sides being at least .195-.210 after being taken out .080. To thin for my liking but .060 over would be safe. All my blocks are the years 03-05. I was curious if anyone else has input and if they made any changes to later year blocks? After my initial explorations my general opinion is quite positive.