Working on my buddy's 71 Challenger R/T v-code... It has TTI headers.. All of sudden, the idler arm has been hitting the tube of the headers. My gut is that for some reason the motor has torqued over causing it to shift, thus lowering the passenger side.. There seems to be evidence of the motor mount insulator wars sliding down? It has been totally fine for over 2.5 years. Now all of a saddened, this. There doesn't seem to be any obvious motor mount damage... I haven't loosened the motor mount 5/8 bolts yet to see if I can reposition the engine and see if it levels out.. The headers aren't loose, k-member seems to be fine at the idler arm mounting point....
TTI mentions this in the engine bulletin... Which ones are these.
Headers fit with Schumacher Creative Services engine mounts or equivalent (OEM).