Many times us "older" people tend to take a lot for granted as we grew up when things were decidedly different. We kind of forget that not very long ago; things remained the same for many years, thus there were several generations of people who all experienced the same things; but in the recent past things have begun moving at a vastly faster pace. The younger generations have most likely never seen a dimmer switch on the floor let a lone a foot starter like those found on old pickups and some cars, they have never had to deal with a 6V electrical system in a vehicle, etc. It is both amusing and humbling to come to the realization that incoming generations of enthusiasts may be surprised and at times baffled by things we grew up with as common items.
D70 - please do not take any of these comments as negative criticism or in anyway meant to belittle you; its just a little sobering to realize there are people out there that haven't grown up with these cars. To put it another way; its like watching your grandparents try and play a game on a Xbox for the first time and them looking at the controller strangely.