As far as safety goes, it is just more GOVERNMENT regulation, a way for them to have controll, and get they're fingers in everything.
That, and, you can spot stupid drivers, there are three kinds!
Punks, usually sitting in the middle of the car, playing with the radio while talking on the phone and passing on the right.
Losers, usually driving older minivans, chrysler or ford, or station wagons. Sometimes older sedans, usually spotted by a years worth of dirt, bumpers falling off, and no mirrors.They look strait ahead, windows are filthy, wipers dont wipe,and usually have only one brake light, and everything they own and every wrapper from every fast food joint they have eaten at since they have owned the car stacked up in the back window, along with a smelly hairy dog adding to the grime on the windows with nose smears.
Soccermoms! These are usually in big SUV's or newer minivans, they have a one track mind, and dont realize that they're car has come equipped standard with turn signal's. They also dont realize there may be another car in existance, big rigs cant stop fast, and that road she just turned down was a one way.
Unfortunatly, the cost of living has gone up since 1972, my dad has no idea how I can make it these days, starting out, without going into debt.