I Got Jacked Up

Author Topic: I Got Jacked Up  (Read 1213 times)

Offline 04lbram

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I Got Jacked Up
« on: October 19, 2005 - 11:47:35 AM »
Yes, if what was going on wasn't enough. Now, I had more drama that I didn't need. So basically, I've been having some minor issues with the roommate until this week. Last night took the the cake. Well, my friend Kylee apparently is not what she seems. So, anyways Monday I found out that she had been cheating on kind of a guy buddy of mine. Still hasn’t told him anything and neither does the other guy really. I’m going to talk to Troy to work tonight for reasons that she likes to use people and just shot the other guy Lance an email about what’s up.
Second off, I told her I wanted her out by the end of the week. So, last night I get a call before I get home. The roommate asked if I could help her move. I asked her if she had money on her to pay for gas and my time/tuble because she could get someone else to help but, trying to be the good guy I am I accepted upon those terms. Then I come home and crap hits the fan.
When I got home, I had a note from the landlord stating that my roommate hadn’t paid rent for the month. Roommate only has to pay $150 a month for rent then continues to complain about the price of rent. Then, in addition I get this note attached to my thing from an ex-friend of hers saying “Hey, this is so and so. Please give me a call @ xxx-xxxx.” So, I’m like this is getting a little interesting. Well, the roommate is like can we go move my stuff to storage? So, I’m like yeah give me a minute to go change my clothes and grab a snack to eat.
Go to load up her stuff and she acted like I could do everything myself. I was little upset to say the least. Then as we leave my place she gets lost and says she doesn’t know where this storage place is at. We call up the guy and he can’t give clear directions exactly. Then I proceed to tell her that because we have been driving around that my truck is running low on gas because of trying to find this place. So, then I asked her if she had the money to pay for my gas and she was like no. I only have a debit card at this point then I just lost it because I point blank asked her if she had cash on her to pay for my gas and to pay me because at this point I was already upset.
So, I get in the Ram was like follow me. I take off kind of quick in the Ram and get off this off-ramp for one of the highways then I did sped up and made a left turn to get back onto the on ramp. Started going back down the highway and then saw a turn for a road I was familiar with. Since she was playing games and kind of pay dumb I made a 40 mph leftie on this road. Keep in mind she’s driving a 4 cylinder Metro. Got onto the road and floor it in the Ram. Went down this big hill you could see for about a ¼ mile and got up to high rate of speed. Then she became a dot in mirror and then gone. Turned off the lights as it was sunset and made a couple of turns down some back roads and lost her. Got to the gas station as quick as I could and pulled into a station on the outskirts of town to gas up. She kept on trying to call me but, at this point I was pissed at everything she did to me and other people as well. Decided to hightail it out of town to her Aunt’s House to drop her stuff off there since she didn’t know where the storage place was and kept playing these games with me.
When, I got close to her Aunt’s House I called up the girl who left the note earlier and asked her what she wanted. She told me that Kylee had told her she wasn’t going to pay rent at all anymore before they had a disagreement over her using this girl to get to her ex-boyfriend apparently. Then she proceeds to tell me that my roommate had been stealing money from work and has been living a prostitute like lifestyle when she claimed otherwise. Apparently this girl had found out through friends of friends. So, I was even more upset at the fact that she said she wasn’t going to sleep with anyone else until married. Then to top the cake off, she told me my landlord that we were married when the whole agreement was based upon friends. I even told my landlord we were friends for the most part. Then, I also found out she hasn’t probably been going to work like she should have been and been sleeping around with guys. So, I came home last night and got the rest of her stuff out of the apartment I am living in and put it out all in the garage. Call her this morning and told her I wanted her out by this afternoon. She was like whatever. I’m thinking to myself if you don’t come get your stuff I should put it up on Ebay and sell it since she still owes about $75 now for being there half the month and then another $100 in gas for when I originally moved her.
So, far she only paid me about $50 for everything. I’ll keep this updated as a log. Oh yeah, did mention she apparently works 2 jobs and has over $2k in savings. No excuse for this crap especially when I told her about my ex-fiance. Anyways, what a night but, hey all is life right. Take care and for those who sent PMs I will try to get back to other post and PMs. Again thank you all.
71 Dodge Challenger R/T Clone; 383 Big Block with a few goodies and good ole 14" Slot Rims

Offline HemiDog

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Re: I Got Jacked Up
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2005 - 12:12:58 PM »
I can sympathize with what you are going through.  I have had a very good friend, whom I had thought I had really known very well, and found out one day what I knew was all a big lie.  It is one of those things that hit you so hard, the shock makes you numb to everything.

From what you have said, it sounds like your roommate (ex-roommate) is one of those people that are poison.  They tend to drag everyone they are around into crap they don’t deserve to be in.  If I was in your shoes, I would just look to the fastest way to get them out of my life and away.  If it costs me a little to get it done, I would eat the cost and just get them away.  Don’t look back and don’t open the door for them.  If the relationship that was once there meant anything to her, hopefully she will learn and move on.  But you don’t need to be brought down with that, especially since you have other concerns on your mind now.

Bottom line:  You need to make yourself the priority and do what is best for you.

Offline Rev-It-Up

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Re: I Got Jacked Up
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2005 - 12:14:14 PM »
Very well put, HemiDog!
Rev-It-Up                                                             Yes, I'm a girl!


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Re: I Got Jacked Up
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2005 - 12:50:23 PM »
I dont get it.
Some people!
She must not be making a very good living as a prostitute, or she would have gas money.
Keep chinned up, and find another roomate!

Offline 04lbram

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Re: I Got Jacked Up
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2005 - 02:56:04 PM »
Actually, I'm not down about at all. I already told her to come get her stuff today. I want her out tonight.
71 Dodge Challenger R/T Clone; 383 Big Block with a few goodies and good ole 14" Slot Rims

Offline 4Cruizn

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Re: I Got Jacked Up
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2005 - 03:02:02 PM »
Wow thats some drama there!!  Yep I agree with what you are doing . . .need to get away from people like that.  It'll work out though! 

Offline 04lbram

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Re: I Got Jacked Up
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2005 - 05:43:50 PM »
Yeah and now she's trying to make a scene because of it. Inserts shaking head emoticon. Anyways, she didn't get her stuff so I figure if it isn't out by tonight I'm throwing it out of the garage and my just move it to the driveway. I know it may piss her off but, I told her I wanted her out tonight and I'm a man of my word.
71 Dodge Challenger R/T Clone; 383 Big Block with a few goodies and good ole 14" Slot Rims


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Re: I Got Jacked Up
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2005 - 12:22:10 PM »
you got to do what you got to do.dont worry im sure everything will work out in the end.it's good to be a man of your word,even if it might make people mad,if you let everything just slide then people take advantage and walk all over you.so im sure it will pay off!