AAA Auto club does DMV services too.
I took my bill of sale to them and was done in 20 minutes. Car came from Connecticut to California.
Don't know all the laws but all my DMV stuff is a breeze at AAA. Might be a hot ticket for a lot of you out there.
My buddy did a title from Michigan to Calif. at the DMV and had to make an appointment with a referee, have the car inspected, failed it, fixed seat belts, lights (too dim?), and had to have ALL the little stuff workin, lites, horn, turnsignals, hazard lights etc...Several trips and a huge pain. His next car from Tennessee was a cakewalk at AAA.
My prostreet had no lights, horn, signals... Even to this day I only have 1 toggle switch for lights, no brake lights, which I will definately do, a switch for the fuel pump and one more for the electric fan.
AAA is the easy way if you got it.
No I don't work there but a tip is a tip. Worth a try.