OK, the story begins....after looking for over a year I finally found and purchased the correct numbered and date coded altenator for the Yellow Peril. Tore the core down, then installed new stator, new rotor, new rebuild kit from AMK. I spent a week of after hours work detaing so it would look correct. Installed last Weds and checked the output....12.4 volts, not good. Well after tearing it back down and testing with an alternator diagnostic tool we find out AMK packaged 6 positive diodes instead of 3 + and 3 - ! Color codes were on the + diodes so you assume the ones w/o the red marks are, by default, negative. Nope. So we learned that we will not assume guys that pull and package orders from reputable companies always have our best interest in mind, and we will check the rectifiers before the case goes back together. The curse of the Yellow Peril continues. And I used to think the Friday, October 13, 1969 build date was funny