You may be having the same problem with your 833 that I am having with my 727. I'm swaping the 904 for a 727. I ordered a brand new yoke (manufactured by Mopar) through a distributor. When it arrived It would go into the bushing but the splines would not find a seat. we tried it in another 727 transmission, same story. Contacted the distributor I bought the part from & volenteered to pay the shipping if they could prove me to be inept at installation. Shipped the mopar yoke back to them. They tried to install it on 3 seperate transmissions, exact same story & problems that I had. talked to the owner of the place on friday (5-26) & the mopar rep is comming down to pay them a visit to see what the heck is going on because mine was the first of 3 such yokes that have been sent back to them with the same issue. All were manufactured by mopar. If they can't figure it out there, they're going to take the shaft out of one of their transmissions & take the yoke I bought back to the factory & figure out what happened and bust some heads. (at least that is what I was told on friday)