There are usually guys locally to do it. But you have to find them. Myself and another do them, plus about 10 shops around here. I use Passon's parts. He's a great guy to deal with, and sell good product. What it costs depends on what you need. The last correctly done one I did was $1300 in parts alone, because it had 179000 miles and was flat worn out. If yo uneed gears or hard parts, it gets pricey. Most "rebuilds" are nothing more than wear parts replacements. That's ok if yours was good to begin with..But if it was good...why rebuild it? To rebuild means replace the shot gears and make new again. That is what costs a lot. A real good deal are the $800 rebuilts by Passon. Not numbers matching, but they work great. I think Brewers has something like that too. Brewers I have not heard any bad about. Just never used them myself.