Just wanted to share a little more, especially with you who were unable to attend Carlisle this year. You seen the items Tony posted at the begining of this thread, I guess no one got any pictures of those being given to him. The plaque was made and donated by a local trophy shop. The owner is a vet and he insisted to do this to help us out, maybe not a lot but a very nice gesture.
The "mini" posters of Dons car sold out rather instantly and the funds of course went toward the materials & expenses fund. Remember, I will print more of these up as request requires, they will still be $10.00 each, but require another $1.00 for postage. DO NOT RESPOND HERE , send the money to Tony and just ask for a print of the Cuda, Tony then can send me your name and address and I will then send out the print.
Also there were framed print of the Cuda given to Don, Riley, and Don Senior.
Following are pics begining with the plaque and on down as mentioned above :