I don't know how many other people have the quarters installed by know but mine are on and done. :woohoo:Both sides are fully welded and installed. Over all I would say they are a very nice piece. GoodMark did good.
Even if they are made in Taiwan. Definitely need to bolt every thing up and match all the body lines before welding. You could be in a world of hurt if you mounted it off just a little bit! I checked and adjusted several times before finally welding them in.
I bought a hole punch from Harbor Freight to make the holes for plug welding it works pretty good. Much better then drilling all those holes. The result is a very nice weld that looks like a spot weld. good for in the door jam and such.
I actually had a lot of other work to do while the quarters were off but you can read about that in the Twisted Fish post under restorations.