How it happen is a story...was going to get a Msd Pro Billet dist for my little sb Mopar...even order it from Summit, then before it came I notice it was a Billet, not Pro Billet...the base models have Dupont Rynite, glass-reinforced bases; Pro-Billet models have aluminum bases.
Well I'm like darn, this isn't cheap at $226, why can't I get the aluminum base. Only comes for my motor on the ready to run models..which you still can use a CD box if you like. Then I seen it.......
MSD Digital E-Curve Pro Billet Distributors
Set a centrifugal and vacuum advance curve electronically
This thing is weights, springs, its all the space age. It works so nice...I had all the advance coming in at 2500 rpms with 20 degrees, like 36 degrees total..was ok but it crank over a bit rough..just could hear the starter kicking back, so I pop off the dist cap, turn a tiny screw with a tiny screw driver and my advance is still all the way in at 2500 rpms but it backs off 25 degress not 20.
Has a built in rev limter chips, a tiny switch again..have in at 6200 rpms and hit it once on the road..its pretty smooth, better than my 7 al box rev limter..
Its darn expensive all right..I can't believe I spent that much..but it has a patent too so the China guys can't sell them least not yet..they will cause these are motor idles great now..was good, now its great and has more low end part throttle power too...thanks to the fast could be all in at 2000 rpms..can even have full advance at idle and has a start retard also but my tight convertor I'm not running it like that..
Check them out, only for Chevy and sb Fords and Mopars right now.