When you loosen and pull on the lower struts, change to new bushings, it can change the alignment off some. You could use the same bushings if good, they should have a steel sleeve. Then pick the car up on the k member, pick the one side up on a lower control are. Take the tortion rod adjuster bolt and loosen it up after you have removed the cotter key from the upper a frame and pulled the clip from the rear tq bar. Loosen the upper ball joint nut a few threads, give it a whack. Put pressure on the lower control arm with a jack, take the upper bj nut off so the rest hangs, let the control arm jack down, tap the control arm back after useing a 3/4 inch sucket to undo the strut bar. It needs to come back about 4 inches or so. This is ruff directions, but it is actually easy to do.
If you just want to clean them up, you could loosen both nuts and spin the bars, and use some sand paper on a spool roll like 320 grit and sand then down. Just like polishing a crank. Then paint them. This could be done without removing them