I didn't know you already had the memory. It may still be worth looking through the manual to see if there are interleave options, or either switch or BIOS settings to make the most of it. Sounds like you're good to go on drives too. With those it can pay to see if your case came with any kind of insulators or rubber mounts; sometimes they look like strips of heavy plastic tape or strips of rubber that go between the drive and the rails, sometimes they provide thin rubber washers to go between the drive and the screws. Those drives _can_ be noisy since they really were designed for use in servers.
It sounds like you are describing a mirror setup; two drives that are kept identical. Its a good thing to have for hardware reliability but you seriously need to look at backup too, at least for whatever data you keep on the system. External drives are a lot better than nothing, especially if you have a couple of them and rotate one out to a safe place on a regular basis. You can also use a program like Acronis (sp?) to make a backup image of your system that can be restored if (when...) microsoft OS decides its time to go wonky again. The nice thing about that is if you set up two (or more ) partitions, install all your programs on the primary/system partition but keep all your data, user directories, etc, on the second... when you restore the backup image to your system disk, the data will all still be there and fair odds you won't have to reinstall all your applications.
I stay as far away from microsoft as I can; unfortunately our customers at work don't, so about 50% of my time is spent trying to make broken, compromised, or user-screwed systems work again. The rest is spent working with many more customers on non-microsoft systems who take far less time and support effort, run for 2-3 years between reboots, never lose data, never get infected or compromised, never need OS reinstalled (we have multiple systems originally installed in 1993-4 and upgraded in place as needed, many times, no worries, just works). Its engineering elegance, like Chrysler. Not hacked together caca like microsoft and chevy.
We do not use or support Vista at this time. I have no real experience with it beyond what I've read or heard from folks who bought a PC with it; most of them moved back to XP but a few stuck with it.
BTW if you haven't heard MS released an out of band uber-critical internet explorer patch today; this is on top of the critical one released on patch Tuesday. All versions of IE from 5.x to 8.x are impacted and there are exploits out in the wild on compromised servers (many if not most running microsoft IIS webserver on top of Microsoft SQL Server, surprise, surprise...). Best update as soon as you can.
Or just run Firefox! Preferably on something other than windows!