Author Topic: Twas the night before Carlisle  (Read 559 times)

Offline djr71

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Twas the night before Carlisle
« on: December 30, 2008 - 01:43:07 PM »
Sorry if someon already posted this but I just had this emailed to me from my engine builder

Roger is the president of the Early Valiant/Barracuda club:
Roger Kizer wrote:

>Twas the night before Carlisle and all through the shop,
>Not a Mopar was stirring, not even a Dart.
>The car keys were hung on their peg hooks with care,
>In hopes Clif Winters soon would be there.
>The tools were packed all snug in their chest,
>After going non-stop for a month, they needed a rest.
>And momma in her nightgown and I in my cap,
>were watching re-runs of "Pinks",  to restless to nap.
>When out in the road there were tires a squealin',
>I sprang from my bed to see what was peelin'.
>Away to the garage door I flew like a flash,
>Pulling open the door and knocking over the trash.
>The full moon shone bright on the dew covered lawn,
>and glinting off chrome,  early before dawn.
>When what to my wondering eyes should appear?
>But an early A body with resonators and 8 cylinders.
>With a little race driver than was so lively and quick,
>I knew in a moment it must be Veep Clif!
>More rapid than chevys his coursers they came,
>And he whistled and shouted and called them by name.
>Now Polara and Coronet, now Valiant and 'Cuda,
>On Charger, On Challenger, On Demon and Daytona!

>Watch the top of the race tree, Pre-stage lights so tall.
>Now race away!  Race away! Race away all!
>I ran back behind my Barracuda and hid,
>as Veep Clif stopped in the driveway with a skid.
>He was dressed all in denim from his head to his foot,
>And his cloths were covered with brake fluid and dirt.
>A bundle of parts he had flung on his back,
>And he looked like vendor from a swap meet at that.
>Into my garage he came, a right jolly old tech,
>He popped open my hood to give things a check.
>He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
>He tuned her up good, and then turned with a jerk.
>And laying a key in the ignition he did,
>It fired right up and idled, then closed the engine bay lid.
>He sprang to his ride, to the throttle gave a kick,
>And down the road he blasted, rowing his Hurst 4 speed stick.
>But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,
>Happy Carlisle to all, and to all a happy cruise night!
>Roger Kizer
>The Early Valiant and Barracuda Club
>1966 Barracuda 318 4bbl

Offline 426HEMI

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Re: Twas the night before Carlisle
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2008 - 02:01:24 PM »
That is a good one........
Got a pretty good start on my M46 optioned Barracuda restoration but now it is on hold till I can gather more funds.  Still need a few parts for it.  SIU Graduate 75 AAS Automotive Tech, 94 BS Advanced Tech Studies, 1997 MSED Workforce Education and Development

1970 M46 Barracuda
1998 Dodge Darango
