im not interested in taking donations for 2 reasons. first, the server we reside on is a full blown professional server that is more then capable of handling a board this size and much much longer. we are here for free, no money out of my pocket. second, the forum software is also free, no money out of my pocket. this latest version has been a disappointment to me, but they have released a beta version of a ground up redesign of the software. ive been tempted, and may still upgrade us to the beta, but at worst case, there will be brand new fresh forum software ready to go within a month or two.
since nothing more then a little time is spent by me to keep us going, i dont want or need money from the members. the only thing ive ever considered spending money on is a new professional look, which hopefully is in the works now for a reasonable price.
as for the calender, sit tight on that for a few weeks while i decide what is going on with this new software. i dont want to mess with our current one if im gonna totally change it in a week.