A couple of weeks ago the temp. went into the negative range so any work in the garage stopped. So I went back to my model bench and did a few builds. I had to do these pretty fast as a couple had to be done by Christmas. Here's a start. We have a local rodeo here that has a tough enough for pink night to benifit breast cancer awareness. All the macho cowboys ect wear something pink. I got to looking at my models and I did not have any FM3 models at all so I did the superbee. I will add it to the shed in my street racing dio with a farmer standing beside it --smileing at what he has hidden behind closed doors.
More when that gets done. The little dioramas I did for some christmas presents. I am going to try different ground cover to get more of a farm field look with abandoned cars/trucks in them. Like I said these were done quickly and are not quite done with the little details yet but I thought I would share what's done . I'll post them in two replys to split them up a little.