EVACUATE the system means hooking up a vacuum pump to the closed system, then pulling a vacuum of at least 30lbs. I leave mine hooked up sucking for about 20-30 minutes. I then turn off the pump and shut off the guage valves. I come back 30 minutes later and check to see if the vacuum is still there where I left it. If it is, that means no leaks, so I proceed to charge it with freon. Moisture boils away in a vacuum. Any moisture left in your system can freeze, then plug it up. So suck it all out before charging it. You get more freon in it also. Don't even think about charging it before "evacuating" it. Do not have the car running.......
I have a pump. For those of you that don't, our local AUTOZONE has one in their Loan-A-Tool group.
I added factory A/C to my non A/C R/T. My Cuda and Chally Vert also have A/C. Now that I'm older, I don't like to be miserable when cruising around. I like to know that I have the option to hit a switch and be "too COLD"