I wouldnt lie about a disorder. That will haunt you.
Of course, "rocking the boat" can too.
To some degree, unfortunately, sometimes you DO have to "deal with it". Distractions in an office setting hen its cubes is par for the course.
That is why supervisors get doors and offices...LOL They say it is because they have to deal with confidential issues, but we all know better.
That said, if its constant, what does your direct supervisor have to say about it? Clearly if they have moved some folks already, the higher ups know it s an issue. Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Be the squeaky wheel.
Of course, sometiomes the squeaky wheel just gets replaced. LOL
Another way, have your older workplace buddies show up at your cube to raise all sorts of holy hell and noise when the kids are trying to concentrate....or start whistling....or ...well, you get the picture.
Fight fire with fire.
When it comes to a head, then maybe both sides can see the issue.
Just dont obsess over it.....they wont care, and you will be even more miserable for it.