I tried everything , I had numerous job offers , tried the online dating , the best chance was a job that was not filled even with 7 years of advertizing , the employer wanted me & I wanted to be there but we could not get the green card thing to work , I entered the green card lottery every year Canadians were eligable . I have no clue what more could have been done , the door simply would not open . I was faced with living in a cardboard box if I stayed in Canaduh the cost of living was so high & wages had not moved in decades up until my last job I had never made over $10 / hr , minimum wage is about $8 & I was making $7 while in high school in 1977 , a cookie cutter 1600 sq ft home starts at $440k heating bills were $300 or so in the winter , no way I could make enough $$ to do that , rent was out of sight too $1400 for a cold basement suite or small Apt , the was no choice about giving up cars , it was simply leave or die .