Kenny, I can get you any size made. Smaller is smaller prices too. It could be of your car or family 8x10 20x36 4ft x 8ft. All the pictures are scanned into a file, then arranged. I showed him the cc.c front page, and he did it from their on the banner for me.
You familiar with those yard signs that certain elect offices put out saying vote for me? I can get pics put on that type of material to. Also can have Tee shirts made any way you want, or street signs.
Send me a picture of you and your family and of a special car you have. I will mail you something nice. You know my email address.
I am very sore right now, made it through a whole day in the shop trying to get things done on Don's car. Did get my race car fired up today. 110 leaded fuel is sweet. I could taste it. Well, it actually drove me out of my shop. I kept the doors closed. It was cold and windy today, but 85 in my shop mmmm. Time for a pain pill now lol