I'm "resurrecting" this thread because: a) I experienced this same anomaly this morning (only, on initial start-up after sitting a week or more); b) this thread mentions the possibility of an alternator 'tie-in; and, c) because of the other thing I experienced this morning:
Opened car door to get in and stat car and interior dome light came on, strong and bright as ever (always a good feeling when the car sits for long periods a 1/2 hour away from where we live) but, when I turned the key to start the car, the interior dome light practically went completely off! I mean, NO JUICE to the point I otherwise would've assumed the battery was dead.
I went through this cycle (interior light strong and bright; turn key and dims; try to start and nothing) several times and, after 3 or 4 attempts, Voila! she fired up as honestly as always.
Then, I get her out on the open road and, like the original poster described, something was definitely 'wrong' -- pressing accelerator and no where close to the normal response from the engine. Dropped her into neutral and briefly took her up to 4,500 rpm and then she behaved as responsively as always.
2 hours later (after a local cruise-in) she started up fine but, the whole lack of response upon acceleration repeated itself until I really "gunned" her.
I'm at a loss as I never had so much Asa sniff of hesitancy or type of any problem with the engine, thus far.
I was hoping it was some bad gas but, am wondering if there is an electrical issue.
What would be a good course of diagnostics to run
IMPORTANT NOTE: I did just replace the voltage regulator several weeks ago (old one melted from back-side) but, there has not been any problems like this morning, until this morning . . .