Update: guess what guys and gals? i'm gonna get this car afterall. My Dad was able to get a hold of the lady that owns the car and she said to make her an offer and come get it outta here!
It should be dry enough to go get it in about a month so i'll get pictures of it up on the lift for everyone whos curious.
Now i get to be a real member and actually have cuda, instead of being just a B body guy from D-C.com.
PS anyone got two good fenders and a grill? :newsad:
Hey PT,
Cool that you'll get it, & even if it's worse off than you expect, it's probably still worth it if only as a parts car. About those fenders? Goodmark is supposed to come out with Barracuda stuff next. They did the Challenger quarters already, & the fenders are supposed to be later this year. That's one of the reasons I bought my Barracuda when I did. I figured I had better get one while it was something I could still afford & save it for later to work on after I gather the missing or damaged stuff on it. It's going on a shelf in the garage right next to the kids bicylce.
BTW, you're still a B-Body guy from D-C.com like myself. :laughing: I've had mostly B-Bodies all my life & never any E's until recently.