Its the same old song...
Here in California people voted in all kinds of free stuff for themselves. Then the taxes rose with that "free" stuff and there were less and less rich people left to pay their "fair share".
Soon the people who used to have reasonable and fair pay could no longer make it so they began to rely on more and more free government programs and then the cost of living increased. It got to the point where people could no longer afford it so they moved to Oregon where they could survive...however they brought with them the same voting practices...and they voted in more free Sh-tuff and then Oregon also got too expense so then they moved to Nevada...repeat.
Government programs need NOT all go away. If an individual state want to give people free lunches for their kids at school, and libraries, free cell phones, free cars, free health care, free mortgage payoffs to the people who could not afford to purchase a house to begin with then that state should certainly provide all of that free stuff.
If that state cannot pay its bills then its their tough luck. If you live in a state that is responsible then good for you.
You can leave a state after people screwed it all up. You cannot leave country that easily.
If your dad is an irresponsible jerk and winds up in debt then should you have to be responsible for his screw ups?!?!?
The original post on this thread is accurate...our country is a hollow shell of what it used to be and our children (even the ones not born yet) will be forced to pay for our generations (and the previous two generations before us) irresponsibility and screw ups!!!
Who believes that is fair???