Forming a club you need to decide how formal it is going to be. The more formal you want it, then you would need to create by-laws for operation, set up a tax ID number for non-profit status. If you have by-laws, then you'll need to pick officers, set up a bank account, file paperwork, look into liability insurance and figure out how you will finance the operation or conduct fund raising. Don't forget the monthly or quarterly meetings of the officers and general membership.
A show would fall under a fund raising activity if associated to a club, or could be a stand alone event. If held in your church parking lot, you will need to review liability insurance with the facility manager to see if this would covered by their policy or if they would need additional or special waivers. Once that's nailed down you have to choose a potential date, get volunteers lined up to handle registration, decide if you will have awards, prospect sponsors to provide those awards, then decide on advertising mediums to get the message out and manage those. On show day you have the logistics of setting up show parking, spectator parking, organizing judging, handing out awards, and traffic flow.