After a full day at work I decided to spend some quality time with my car and spent an hour or so tinkering with things that needed attention. It was getting dark and I was tired but I decided I had time to change the oil too. The hardest part was the oil filter. I have come across filters that were so tight and oily I had to resort to puncturing them with a screwdriver to turn them. This one was the worst ever! After 30 whole minutes of stabbing and hammering my arms were exhausted and it felt like it was only getting tighter for every tiny amount I budged it. That is of course because I was turning it the wrong way. I sure did feel stupid as I spent another 10 minutes stabbing and hammering back the other direction. I could blame it on the fact I should have put the job off for another day, or the fact that my phone went off as soon as I reached for the filter and I was distracted, but only last week I broke a flare-nut wrench "loosening" a fuel line in the wrong direction. I have no problem maintaining orientation when things are backwards to me, but apparently when they are pointing down I'm an idiot.
Does this just happen as you get older? Anyone else have a similar story so I know I'm not alone?
Lefty loosey, righty tighty