I collected parts for a couple years planning to freshen my current Challenger, pulled the engine January 2nd & do to a few issues with project creep got it fired up & running a couple weeks before Spring Fling... A point & a half more compression, a little more cam, a little more convertor... Definitely a lot stronger but the carb needs tweaking & while I've dialed in plenty of carbs through the years I no longer feel like playing with gasoline on top of a hot engine so every time I made a change & went to drive it to see how it ran I would let it cool off before making anymore changes..... I got it better but fighting the starting issues of a carb with the current "fuel" has really gotten old.... In the end I wound up picking up a FiTech system & a Tanks Inc fuel tank.... Now I just need to find the time to put it all together & dial it in....
I too looked at a stroker but honestly I'm looking for a cruiser not a race car.. It runs well enough to put a smile on my face & thats all I really need... Well that & having it start at the touch of the key like they use to do.... Which I think the FiTech will do for me...
Good Luck with what ever you decide...