Mini starter will spin things over faster with less amp draw. Although it doesn't sound like that is the core issue, it is a nice improvement. Get a rebuilt starter from your local parts house for an early 90s Dodge truck. Maybe about $60.
Phenolic or wood spacer under the carb help with hot fuel bowls. $20-30 depending on source.
Auxiliary electric fuel pump mounted by the gas tank. You don't need a huge one and can put it inline with your mechanical unit. A pushing pump is more efficient and it will overcome the fuel percolation that occurres at higher engine temps. This has the added benefit of being able to prime the carb after car sits for a week or more before spinning it over to start. $60-100
Install a cool can between the mechanical pump and the carb. This can be a simple home made unit of a steel can with coiled fuel tube inside it. This aids in dissipating heat in the fuel after going through the lines near the exhaust and the mechanical pump on the block. Homemade cost, about $10, or you can buy a big polyethelene pre-fab unit for $100.