Thank you all for a warm welcome, I like it here allready.
4cruzin we'll definitely hook up in Michigan and we always travel safe, there's plenty places to go nuts with the 440, the public road isn't one of them as far as me and Em are concerned.
Don't flame me now but she drives an '02 trans am, the ram airLS1 engine, very nice ride, no mopar but it beats the new charger now doesn't it !
Anyway she'd love to have a 68 charger but I'm almost sure now that when I have an e body, she'll want one too.And let's face it, altough none of them are small, the charger is really big and....well... she ain't ...
Rev-It-up I found the charger in Hilliard, Ohio.The reason he sold it to me was too many projects on the lot and there were a few e bodies there.Supposedly he had to sell the charger to start the project AAR, is it true?No clue.
Troy might know since he's the one that picked up the charger, it's too long ago to remember and I'm not gonna speculate.
He truly is an amazing guy, I'm glad to have bumped into him, albeit online.
It seems that more international members pop up lately and that's a good thing imo even if only to let the Americans know that there's worse places to buy gas, I know it's getting high even in the states but I don't think you're at $6.50 a gallon yet, no I'm not joking.
Catch y'all later