Now, how does it feel to be envied by everyone around you?
Strange feeling, isn't it?
Welcome to our world...get used to being stared at all of the time. Everywhere you go people will stop you and want to talk to you about the following:
1. The cuda they had in highschool.
2. The cuda their buddy had in high school, or was it a challenger?
3. The time they rode in their buddy's cuda doing 150 mph and smoked a corvette.
4. The hemi cuda they almost bought one time for $500.
5. The hemi cuda they sold one time for $500.
6. The hemi cuda that their buddy sold (or was it bought?) one time for $500.
7. etc...
8. etc...
9. etc...
Personally, I never get tired of it. It's cheap entertainment and the story's always a little different.
Here's the best advice that anyone will ever give you...NEVER SELL IT !!!