.. Mine will take 1-2 weeks to ship out. Small back order.. I will glady give my honest and candid feedback on the grille and it's fit compared to the original. They tell me they'll be making the grilles for another 3-6 months. But at $499, I had to get my spare.
For me, what really caused me to buy.. is I figure I can paint this grille body color & leave the org argent. Also, I'm seeing these same repos.. being sold for over a grand on ebay..
I guess no one reads Mopar Action?
They tell me next month they will have the chessegrates.. approx $100 / set. Whether you like repo stuff or not, you have to like how it brings down some of the prices of the originals..
Just a guess, but I've been seeing more 71 valances being sold on Ebay.. I bet that part will be repo'd within a year