Why in the world would you wait 2 1/2 years to get your money? You must have the patience of a Saint!
I used to have patience but my kids did away with that long ago ! As for why did I wait....well, I said it was quite a story. How long you got ??
He sent back $250 of my $1000 within a month or so and asked for me to give him a few more weeks for the rest due to an illness
then he stopped answering the phone and no e-mail replys. I figured he just blocked my e-mail addy 'cause I got a few from him (worm program viruses) so I knew I was in his "book". Once a month for 1 1/2 years I would call his house and let it ring FOREVER, or until an answering machine would pick up. most of the time after a few minutes of ringing, someone would pick it up and just hang up so I would just call back until he took it off the hook. then one day his "daughter" answered and said he was out of town. I told her he had to call me or he would be going to jail.
Apparently THAT got him, cause the next time I called he wanted to talk. That's when he said he had no intention of sending the rest of the money back. I told him I was recording our conversation and suddenly the car was still there just waiting for me to pick it up. (after two years
yea right !) I said I'd be there that weekend but of course, he wouldn't be available for the next 5 weeks or so.
By that time there was this new thing called the internet fraud complaint center
http://www.ifccfbi.gov/ . let's just say they got a very detailed letter from me. shortly after, the local PD got involved and the detective "moderated" the return of most of my money.
another link to try is
http://www.ic3.gov/ as I couldn't get the other one to open