for final restoration of the body line, stretch a string along the line (stretched strings are straight) and mark with a pencil by carefully tracing along the line.
then sand up to the pencil line from below and down to the line from above, leaving the line on.
you will end up with a perfectly straight body line.
anytime metal is permanently bent, it stretches.
to remove the stretch, heat up a 1 inch diameter circle red hot (as quick as possible with a very hot torch), place a shrinking dolly behind the spot (while still red) and smash with a shrinking hammer. it helps to have someone to hand the torch to quickly so you still strike while red hot.
The effect is to draw metal into the center because you cool the center with the dolly and hammer. (also, serrated shrinking dollies and hammers also help to pull inward, but mostly its just the cooling effect, it can be done with a smooth hammer and dolly) when metal cools, it shrinks. Each time you do this, the metal shrinks a little more and eventually it will pull the panel tight.
With this technique you can shrink metal to its original shape, removing all tendency to "oil can".
when the panel is truly flat, the dolly will "ping" and your hammer will bounce away as if you hit an immovable object. any other sound without the bounce and its not flat yet (your still moving metal). The dollys sound and the hammer bounce will tell you when its flat. the metal talks to you.
Also, you only have to hit (or pull if using a pulling tool) lightly if your hitting in the right spot.
If you find yourself hitting hard and nothing is moving, then your not hitting in the right spot. You dont need a bigger hammer. A body hammer will move any metal that is not locked by stress.
dont pound harder when nothing moves, that spot is locked up by stress from somewhere else. find the stress, remove it, by hitting lightly and then the locked up metal will be free and will move very easily. again, the metal tells you if it wants to move or not. forcing it will just cause more stretching.
when the metal gets to where it started, (its original shape) the dolly pill ping, (always use a dolly behind the hit) the hammer will bounce, and that spot is done. the sound tells you when its done.
dont be afraid to try, you can always redo it. you can always shrink it back and try again. just listen to the dolly its tells you all you need to know.