I felt so bad tonight. I dropped off some stock 70 bb valve covers at my friends machine shop last night and went and got them tonight.
I asked him how much I owed him and he said no charge. I said wow, thanks. I thought it was because I build a few holley carbs for him for free now and then, and just go over to help him get caught up at times.
So I said to him... I guess I don't owe you anything, that feels good.
He says, well you gave me 300 for your cuda heads, and you still have the final bill. I said what?
As it turns out, I got the heads on a saturday, his son gave them to me. And I left town for a month on that sunday.
I felt sooooo bad when I realized I owed him money, that I paid him right there on the spot.
He kept saying, I didn't have to pay him right now, but guilt had me choking up.
I had to force the money on him. A real good guy to have for a friend.
I wonder if he would of ever brought it up if I wouldnt of said anything.
He said it was only 190 bucks, I said it was his 190 bucks and I never like oweing anyone. Especially any friends.
I will sleep good tonight, but that was my cuda sport hood money I was buying this weekend, but now I feel better having to wait for the hood rather then owe a friend. I'm glad he writes things down. He just takes my cash and no receipts. Our word is our warranty and that is made of gold.
Anybody ever have this happen to them with your friends?
I got lots loaned out and don't ask, but this has never happend to me before.