I'm a long way away from needing to pick wheels for my '71, but I've always liked the look of the chrome Cragar S/S units. My car came with a set of chromed steel Mercury Cougar mags (similar to S/S in appearance), two of them bent so I replaced them with a pair of Appliance "Steel Spoke" chrome steel wheels that also look like the S/S units. That was around 1982.
Back then I really didn't like alloy wheels; that thick center with lugnuts needing a shank of just the right length didn't provide much confidence compared to the tried and true conical lugs and steel center. They were also more expensive, and cost was a big factor back then (else I would have bought all four matching wheels).
Appliance is gone. All I can find in current production are alloy, but of course alloy wheels are much more proven technology now than 25 years ago. Does anyone still make steel S/S style wheels? Other than weight is there any advantage or disadvantage of steel versus alloy (not counting repairability from pothole damage and the like)?