The bike was a 2003 Buell XB12, 1203cc's punched out to 1450cc's, powdercoated frame, carbon fiber body panels, Micron Exhaust. Prepped by Appleton HD/Buell.
The incident happened in 2006 when I crested a hill and there was some patch work on some pot holes that was less than stellar. My steering stabilzer failed to do it's job and I spilled.
There was a cop behind me and he said I should look into a suit against the contractor that does the county roads. I wish he would have had his dash cam on!
I slid down the road getting 2nd and 3rd degree burns on my legs, bum, back, and arm. I slid into a canal and the bike landed right next to me, actually touching me. The canal was flood zone mandatory 10 feet deep and I ended up with a broke ankle from that.
I was wearing long sleaves, pants, gloves, and helmet. I came off the bike and hit my face on the pavement and busted my face shield off. It sickens me when I see lame brains wearing shorts and flip flops on bikes or worse girls in skimpy clothes on back.
Like my previous truck accident thread, I landed within eyesight of a cemetery. Scary. Wonder how many more chances I'll get. LOL.
I didn't walk away from this one, I crawled.