I only use email. I don't know why it didn't go through. I'll have to see how the week ends cash wise. I am interested. 4/20.Thanks.
Your Birthday is 4/20 ? How about we call it a birthday present then? Robert.
I like your car!!! Here's some pics of the louvers.They are fiberglass or resin moulded.Thin,Lightweight.Nothing like originals. But cheap. My now ex-girlfriend gave them to me.She paid like 100 bucks.Say 40 bucks plus some shipping? You could velcro them on real easy.One small crack.See pic. Small holes drilled for hardware. I've never used them. They say Astro lift off louvers on them. Made in Canada They were dusty in the pics. And I just chucked the perfect box. Latr.Robert.