Well, I got the new clutch in. Works great. Pedal is a little hard for my left foot being bad, but the fun over rides the pain. The transmission didn't seem to make any more noises after we started it back up and test drove it. It all seemed to work great. So I don't understand why the noise was there. But glad it's gone. 15 bucks to turn the flywheel.
A very special thanks to sleepychallenger (drew)for dropping by for the weekend to give me a hand and also thanks to Clinton (JACKSBOYS) For helping me out. Clinton even finished running my washer squirter hose for me. Such a great gang we have here. The guys are on their way back home now. Wating on them to call and check in.
Once I do new axles bearings and install the 355's, I believe the car should be a lot quieter. Is quieter a word?
It should be road worthy for long trips.
The clutch and pressure plate I used was a ram Power Grip. It has buttons on one side and regular pads on the other. Ram part number Ram-98773 My car seems to like it, and it doesn't chatter and hooks up really good. We'll see in the long run