You Guys an Gals still have freedom to own guns and to protect yourselves, but beware the anti gun lobby have checked out what has happened here in Australia and are trying to bring in our stupid laws.
Our gun crime has gone way up, we are not even allowed to own a cricket bat if it was bought to defend ourselves or family.
The over worked Police admit that they cannot protect us and our chief commissioner of Police here in Victoria has done everything she can to help the criminal element, she has disbanded the major crime squad, transfered experienced senior detectives out of their area of expertise and brought in usless flunkies and worse.
I have been forced to sell most of my hand guns as the law makes it almost impossible to comply as I lead a busy life.
I visited Kennesaw in Georgia a couple of years ago where it is compulsory for every house hold to own a firearm, what a great peacefull place that is, the criminals left town in a hurry.
Guns don't kill people, people kill and maim people, your constitution gives you, my Americian cousins, freedom, don't let it go.
Hope it didn't sound like I was preaching but there is a world wide push to disarm the average person.