I hope AMD who sponsors this thread response.
I can't afford NOS parts or buy from top of the line Vendors, so I too shop around, searching for sheet metal replacement parts all over the web and have also found price differences on the same parts.
Here's one that drives me nuts:
I just got one of those JEGS flyer booklets in the mail and just happen to glance at a Camaro full 1/4 Panel from AMD for $300. A full 1/4 Panel from AMD for a Cuda is $600. WHY?
I'm sure the amount of metal is just about the same and once the cast are made that's it, just keep stamping panels out, so why charge double the price. Some will say, because they can. That's not a fair answer to a hard working family man!!!!
I know that there is a difference in quality between over seas parts and ones made in the USA, but to charge double the price.
It would be nice if AMD gives a discount to Fellow CC.com members.
If anyone reading has been down this road before and found good quality parts at a FAIR price, please let me know where I can buy (2) Full Quarter, Full trunk Pan. inner & outer wheel houses, LH apron and both valances.
Sorry if this touched a nerve with some, but this post came at a time when I'm struggling to decide where to buy good quality parts.