Need help finding the interior weatherstripping for the windows. I am speaking of the piece of weatherstripping that goes on the inside door panel that keeps dust and dirt from inside the door and acts as a wiper when rolling the window up or down. I have some that I bought a long time ago and when I got them out they are different from the originals. The originals slid onto the door panel. The ones I bought several years ago and just now got them out to put on, do not slide on the panel. It looks like they are made to be screwed on, but in order to get them at the right angle I dont think I can do it. The panels are off of a 73 cuda that I had years ago and I put them on my 70 to change the interior color. So my questions are 1. Is the interior door panel on a 70 different than a 73. If not where can I get the weatherstripping that will mount correctly?
Thanks a bunch Ray,