We purchased a set of front buckets from a fella in NY 3 or 4 years ago. We were just now getting around to reuphostering them. When we took the back plastic piece off, we found a perfect broadcast sheet. It's not to a hemi cuda or anything, but thought someone out there might still have this car and would like to have their sheet.
Anyway, the VIN is JH23G0B206590
Make: J = Dodge Challenger
Price Class: H = High
Body Type: 23 = 2 Door Hardtop
Engine: G = 318 230HP 1-2BBL 8 CYL
Model Year: 0 = 1970
Assembly Plant: B = Dodge Main, Hamtramck, MI, USA
Sequence Number: 206590 = 106590th Vehicle
Let me know if it belongs to you.