Two AM taken I495 North tryin' to hold that pedal; not sure if the road is dry enough from the down pour earlier on. But I am following my lines zoned in liked the nascar driver I was born to be. Look down at the speedo and realize that I must be some btch so I stomp on that right pedal and now the lock-jaw kicks in.
You see, anyone who has played like this outside of the straight lines knows that those 3 GM's & 4 beers keeps the rest of the muscles calm. Hey, don't judge me, them good ol' boys who started nascar were drinking White Lighting while racing. Now your hitting the marks or your hitting the brakes and the brakes are not an option. This 40 year old 'Cuda is reentering I95 sideways & no, I wasn't smilin'. Yeah, I'm sick.