I don't see a reason to do that, I would paint it all apart and assemble when everything is painted,if you're concerned about colormatch,paint the jambs underhood and trunk, backtape,mask off the jambs,bolt on all body panels,adjust all gaps, paint the whole car . But if you still want to get the color on the whole car taking your time,you can .Prep,shoot tinted sealer to match your paint color,shoot few coats of color,assemble the car in course of few months and when ready to finish the painting process,lightly sand everything with wet 1000 grit,dip in a bucket sand a square foot or two,wipe down to eliminate a big mess and just keep residue from running off into corners and cracks .
If it were me ,I'd paint it all torn apart,that way every part gets closer attention ,even coverage around all edges ,no dry areas or overspray and no tape line