Trut told, I had never even heard of "Pretty Maids' before Dee Snider played that very song on House of Hair, and mentioned the Cuda in the video. I also saw that the song you posted was #5 of the top 100 of impressive feat, admittedly - but you also added the Caveat in your opener that this would not be 'up most of [our] alley' so if an old fart like me wants to pull up that guys pants and turn his ballcap to face forward, you were prepared for that - or a least should have been.
To further my point about generic, these rap/hip hop singers all sound so much alike that they feel that in order for the listener to know which cliche they are, they have to yell their own names at the beginning of all of their songs (Akon, Sean Kingston, I'm looking at YOU!)
Not to derail the thread, and go on a rant, but to me 'hip hop' is a swahili word for 'I have no original talent so will steal..err.."sample" music from the 80's that my fans are too young to have heard, and make it sound like it's my own creation".
Edge of Seventeen becomes Bootylicious
Every Breath You Take is now about some bloated dead guy
hell, some ass-clown even redid an Ozzy song!
When I caught Air Supply all "Honda'd up' a while back, I just called an end to civilization as I knew it, and crawled back into my narrow-minded, closed-off, one dimensional, opinionated, judgemetal cuccoon and closed the door.
But that's just me - I certainly don't begrudge you from having a more open palat for such things - enjoy all of the variety that life offers.