Does the gauge peg if you ground it? Sounds like the gauge voltage regulator is bad. IIRC the gauges need to see 5v+- to work properly. it's located on the back of the gauge cluster.
Thanks for the replys.So do I need to replace the gauges,or can the gauge voltage regulator be fixed and where would I find one? Yes standard gauges, can you explain further on how to check I have never stuck my nose up under the dash to look at the back side of the gauges. I don`t even know what the voltage limitor is will I recognize it when I see it? Would it be easier to remove the gauge cluster to troubleshoot them or should I just leave them in place?
I must confess my electrical skills are somewhat lacking the melted screwdrivers and wire cutters in my toolbox can attest to this fact! When I have any electrical issues I relied on a test light till it broke
.I have multi-meter it was my dads but I don`t even know how to read the damn thing guess it`s time to read the instructions that came with it!